
Showing posts from March, 2025

Silent Hill 2 Remake: A Dive into the Depths of Human Mind

A Dream Awoken or a Nightmare Rekindled? My thoughts were divided between fear and joy with the news of the Silent Hill 2 remake. It had been burning in the back of my mind what horrors could this modern desktop version of the classic capture and will it live up to expectations? Having played it, its grandparents capture the same feeling, but my answer is yes/no. The feel and appearance of both the remake and the original is like comparing the beauty of a sunflower against the darkness of a grainy nightmare. With that being said, not so fast. The crux of Silent Hill 2's story captured in ‘as heartbreaking, haunting, and beautiful’ is remembered of a lost one, guilt, and psychology still feels like a fresh scar over two decades later. James Sunderland: A Man Lost in the Fog At its core, Silent Hill 2 revolves around James Sunderland, an everyday man lured to the ominous region of Silent Hill by a letter from his deceased wife Mary. The remake does no...